Draught beer tanks, Draught beer tanks, Beer tapping tanks – these are the most common terms which involve the same class of special pressure vessels which are designed for beer storage and beer tapping straight from the tanks in restaurants. Beer is drawing out of lager tanks or fermentatioon and maturation cylindrical-conical tanks straight into the draught beer tanks. If draught beer tanks are placed out of the brewery then the draught beer tanks are filled out of tankers which delivere beer from breweries to restaurants.
How to use draught beer tanks and polypropylene beer bags?
Beer is stored in stainless steel draught beer tanks in special proof polypropylene bags. For preserving the perfect hygiene is used brand new sterile bag for each batch of beer. Beer is pushed out into the pipes with air which is pumped between surface of the tank and the bag. Air out of the common air pump will not get in a touch with beer. The beer sterility in tanks is ensured this way without the need of another investments (for example in the pressure bottles with inert gas). The whole insulated room with the draught beer tanks including all pipes or hoses manifolds and own tanks is cooled to the right temperature.The whole beer reserve is cooled to the right temperature all the time so the huge amount of beer tapping will not cause any problems with cooling the beverages. Besides that, beer is usually cooled with draught beer cooler right before tapping beer into the glasses.
Standard equipment of draught beer tanks system includes :
Cooling unit (outside the building)
- Air pump unit with pressure regulation
- Beer pipes
- Refrigerator door
- Cooling system evaporator
- Daught beer tanks (non-insulated, cooled with air)
- Filling pipes (out of brewery set or out of tanker)
- Insulated walls of cooled room or cooled box
The offer for draught beer tanks
According to volume
- 250L
- 500L
- 1000L
- Other volumes according to the requirements of customer
According to surface
- Stainless steel
- Cooper
- Brass
- Color
- Printed foil
According to jacketing system
- Mono-jacket (for placing in a cooled box in a cellar or in a glass box in restaurants)
- Double-jacket – cooled (for placing in restaurants)
Standard Tank Equipment
- Basic pressure vessel – The basic tank equipment is pressure vessel in standard shape – conical shape of jacket with bottom (front) or top (back) bottom. The vessel is designed as pressure vessel since the stage of engeneering design throught the calculation, technology to the final tests and according to required overpressure by customer. Most of the time we produce tank in overpressure 3.0 bar, but we can produce tanks in overpressure up to required overpressure 8.0 bar.
- Necessary equipment of pressure vessel – A part of the pressure vessel is production card with mandatory data about the tank and about the producers of this tank, registration number of pressure vessel with specification of standard according to which the pressure vessel was certificated (most of the time PED 97/23/EC, optionally GOST, GUM) by the Certification Council, which judges and approves each pressure vessel. The Certification Council for our pressure vessels is most of the time TÜV SÜD Czech. Each produced tank we supply with pressure vessel passport that is a document where all with tank connected events, controls, repairs etc. are filed throughout the tank’s operating life.
- Safety valve – It is there to protect the tank from the overpressure with higher pressure then for which pressure the tank is produced or certificated. The safety overpressure valve is often in combination with safety underpressure valve which protect the tank from the breaking down because of underpressure in the tank (for example by the drawing down the tank‘s capacity with the pump unit). In bigger tanks there are the safety overpressure valve and safety underpressure valve as an independent armatures.
- Eliptic Manway – A special lockable door on the side of the tank or on the top bottom which is used for looking over the inside of the tank, for assembling and disassembling of the inner armatures, for adding some ingredients, etc. The door opens inside the tank, after tilting the tank in the horizontal position, it is possible to open the door outsider. A part of the manway is elastic or silicon sealing, closing screws and a special hinge with dumper arm. The producer guarantees a pressure resistance of the manway and the door at least at the same or higher resistance which the draught beer tank has.
- Product outlet/inlet armature – An armature for filling and drawing beer out of the tank. Usually it is equipped with reduction for pipe system named JohnGuest
- Supporting frame – We supply supporting frames for horizontal draught beer tanks in different variations. The horizontal draught beer tanks could be ordered in blocks, for example 2 rows above each other. According to the required set and to disposintional space, the supporting frame is designed individually.
Optional tank equipment
- CIP Spraying Ball – A ball shower head designed for easy cleaning and sanitation of tank with water and sanitation solutions. The spraying ball usually has effective omnidirectional shower head. The more expensive tanks haveomnidirectional and rotational spraying ball. Throught the spraying ball and its connecting armature (CIP Cleaning Pipe) the pressuring of the tank is executed with help of the external resource of CO2, biogon or nitrogen. The sterile air in combination with a little amount of CO2 is often used for drawing the beverage out of the tank. The CO2 creates insulating layer on the beverage surface.
- Temperature sensor in thermowell – A pipe welded to the bottom part of the tank. The temperature sensor of regulation system or some common thermometer for visual measuring of the temperature is inserted into this pipe.
- Tank Ladder Hooks – According to the requirements of the customer, we install hooks for safe gripping of the ladder on the tanks which are bigger then 2000 mm. A part of the delivery could be a ladder which is compatible with the hooks. Only with the vertical tanks.
- Transporting Hinges – Hinges for hanging the tank under the elevatory devices (a derrick, a lift truck) are designed for safe transport of the tank. We recommend it as a equipment of tanks from the 500L capacity.
- Adjustable Feet – Screwing feet on the bottom end of the feet are designed for precise placing of the tank in horizontal or vertical position. Thanks to catchment floor, it is usuall that the tank does not stand on the flat surface.
- Double jacket – The cooling of the tanks which are cooled with liquid is carried out through heat-carrying liquid (often it is water or glycol) which runs through the double jacket and it is circulating between the double jacket and the cooler. The temperature in the tank is controled with regulation system which measures and compares the temperature in the tank with required temperature based on the program, the regulation system opens and closes valves on access of the double jacket. In the non-insulated tanks which are cooled with the air, the double jacket is not an equipment of the tank.
- PU Foam Insulation – The tank is usually insulated with polyurethane foam (optionally in other way), which fulfills the space between inner basic tank and outer jacket of the tank. Usually we insulate only the conical part of the tank and according to the customer, we insulate even the bottom or the top bottom or both bottoms of the vessel. In the tank which are cooled with the air the PU insulation is not an equipment of the tank.
- Temperature Meassure and Control System – In the case that the customer requires it we can supply the tank with the complete system for measuring and regulation of the temperature in the tank, eventually with the water cooler. The whole system is easy to install by the customer and to its installation and for the establishment it is not necessary to have an authorization for work with the electric devices.
Draught beer tanks cooled with liquid or with air, insulated or non-insulated
According to the consumer’s requirements we provide draught beer tanks in these variations (type of cooling and insulation):
Draught beer tanks cooled with air, non-insulated
These draught beer tanks are in the easiest construction and so it is possible to buy them for the lowest price. These tanks are in mono-jacketed version without any double cooling channels. Tanks have to be placed in insulated chilled room or chilled box, where the space is cooled with cooling unit. Their advanatage is their low purchase cost. And their disadvantage is that the temperature in each tank cannot be regulated regardless of the other tanks and the human operating comfort is lower because opertors work in cold and humid surroundings. The electric consumption is higher when tanks are cooled with air and not with the liquid. But besides that this type of tank is used the most in restaurants because of the investment savings.
We offer two variations of this type beer tank :
- DBTVN – Draught beer tanks vertical , non-insulated
- DBTHN – Draught beer tanks horizontal, non-insulated
>> Our offer for standard non-insulated draught beer tanks
Draught beer tanks cooled with liquid, non-insulated
The most frequently used draught beer tanks are price compromise between tanks cooled with air and insulated tanks cooled with liquid. They are more expensive than tanks cooled with air but cheaper than insulated tanks cooled with liquid. These tanks include double cooling channels and the cooling liquid pours through them – water or glycol, but they do not have any insulation and any outer cover jacket. We recommend to place the tanks in the slightly insulated uncooled room or box, where the redundant heating of tanks is limited. Their advantage is relatively low purchase cost and the disadvantage is higher electric consumption when the tanks are cooled and also the need of more powerful liquid cooler then it is needed with insulated tanks.
We offer two variations of this type beer tank :
- CFT-S Cylindrical draught beer tanks (simplified tanks 1.2 bar max)
- CCT-S Cylindrical-conical draught beer tanks (simplified tanks 3.0 bar max)
>> Our offer for standard non-insulated draught beer tanks cooled with water
Draught beer tanks cooled with liquid, insulated
Insulated draught beer tanks cooled with liquid is professional solution for all restaurants keepers for whom the savings of operating costs are at the very first place. Tanks include double cooling channels and the cooling liquid pours throug them – water or glycol, and what’s more the tanks have a cylindrical part (for some extra pay both bottoms could be insulated) insulated with PU foam. The outer jacket is covered with insulation and it creates a clean design of stainless steel tank. It is possible to place the tanks in a non-insulated room because insulation provides the protection against unwanted escape of cold nearby the tanks. Their advantage is all above their low electric consumption when the tanks are cooled, the need of the less powerful liquid cooler and better comfort for operators who cannot work in cold room.
We offer two variations of this type beer tank :
>> Our offer for standard insulated draught beer tanks
We provide draught beer tanks in variable dimensions and with variable orientation
We can adapt the dimensions and space orientation of draught beer tanks according to customer’s requirement. We produce more types vertical and horizontal draught beer tanks. It is posible to choose out of many variations the ratio of sides of the tank to diameter of the tank.
Vertical draught beer tanks
The vertical orientation of draught beer tanks has a many practical advantages:
Effective sanitation of the whole tank with only 1 spraying ball (cost savings)
Manually easy cleaning of the inner and outer area of the tank – usually it is possible to stand in the inside of the tank and it is possible to walk around the tank
Small space of floor area, effective usage of vertical room space
Easy manipulation and access to all armatures and functional parts of the tank
We offer two variations of this type beer tank :
>> Our offer for standard vertical draught beer tanks
Horizontal draught beer tanks
The horizontal orientation of tanks is useful practically in all restaurants
It is possible to set the horizontal tanks into several batteries and so the height of the room will be used properly.
We offer two variations of this type beer tank :
- DBTHN – Draught beer tanks horizontal , non-insulated
- DBTHI – Draught beer tanks horizontal, insulated
>> Our offer for standard horizontal draught beer tanks
Special transportable draught beer tanks
Special beer tanks for transporting, storage and tapping of beer. The transport insulated container with a beer tank is the perfect solution for the distribution of beer to pubs.
We offer two variations of this type beer tank :
- TBTVI-500ST Transportable Beer Tank with insulation, but without cooling channels. It is designed for temporary (up to 24 hours) storing of beer and its transportation.
- TBTVI-500STC Self-cooled Transportable Beer Tank with insulation and water cooling channels. It is designed for cooling, heating, storing of beer and its transportation.