DBTHX : Draught beer tanks horizontal

Horizontal draught beer tanks

The horizontal orientation of tanks is useful practically in all restaurants

It is possible to set the horizontal tanks into several batteries and so the height of the room will be used properly.


We offer two variations of this type beer tank :

  • DBTHN – Draught beer tanks horizontal , non-insulated
  • DBTHI – Draught beer tanks horizontal, insulated


We offer two variations of this type beer tank :

I. DBTHI – Draught beer tanks horizontal, insulated

Insulated draught beer tanks cooled with liquid is professional solution for all restaurants keepers for whom the savings of operating costs are at the very first place. Tanks include double cooling channels and the cooling liquid pours throug them – water or glycol, and what’s more the tanks have a cylindrical part (for some extra pay both bottoms could be insulated) insulated with PU foam. The outer jacket is covered with insulation and it creates a clean design of stainless steel tank. It is possible to place the tanks in a non-insulated room because insulation provides the protection against unwanted escape of cold nearby the tanks. Their advantage is all above their low electric consumption when the tanks are cooled, the need of the less powerful liquid cooler and better comfort for operators who cannot work in cold room.

Our production portfolio – Draught beer tanks horizontal, insulated

  • DBTHI-250S Serving tank 250L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, insulated, stainless-steelDBTHI-250S Serving tank 250L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, insulated, stainless-steel
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHI-250S is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 250 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is designed for cooling by cold water or… Read more »
  • DBTHI-500S Serving tank 500L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, insulated, stainless-steelDBTHI-500S Serving tank 500L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, insulated, stainless-steel
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHI-500S is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 500 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is designed for cooling by cold water or… Read more »
  • DBTHI-1000S Serving tank 1000L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, insulated, stainless-steelDBTHI-1000S Serving tank 1000L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, insulated, stainless-steel
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHI-1000S is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 1000 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is designed for cooling by cold water or… Read more »
  • DBTHI-500C Serving tank 500L “bag-in-box” horizontal, insulated, copperDBTHI-500C Serving tank 500L “bag-in-box” horizontal, insulated, copper
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHI-500S is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 500 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. The special version with a cooper jacket. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is… Read more »
  • DBTHI-250C Serving tank 250L “bag-in-box” horizontal, insulated, copperDBTHI-250C Serving tank 250L “bag-in-box” horizontal, insulated, copper
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHI-250C is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 250 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. The special version with a cooper jacket. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is… Read more »
  • DBTHI-1000C Serving tank 1000L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, insulated, copperDBTHI-1000C Serving tank 1000L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, insulated, copper
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHI-1000C is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 1000 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. The special version with a cooper jacket. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is… Read more »
  • CLC-4P2300 : Compact liquid cooler 2.3 kW with four pumps and temperature regulatorsCLC-4P2300 : Compact liquid cooler 2.3 kW with four pumps and temperature regulators
    The CLC-4P2300 GreenLine is the compact water or glycol cooler with integrated condenser. This cooling unit is designed to independent cooling up to four beverage tanks. It can be used for cooling beer, ciders, freeze-drying wines or heating mash. Cooling power is 2300 W. Read more »
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II. DBTHN – Draught beer tanks horizontal, non-insulated

These draught beer tanks are in the easiest construction and so it is possible to buy them for the lowest price. These tanks are in mono-jacketed version without any double cooling channels. Tanks have to be placed in insulated chilled room or chilled box, where the space is cooled with cooling unit. Their advanatage is their low purchase cost. And their disadvantage is that the temperature in each tank cannot be regulated regardless of the other tanks and the human operating comfort is lower because opertors work in cold and humid surroundings. The electric consumption is higher when tanks are cooled with air and not with the liquid. But besides that this type of tank is used the most in restaurants because of the investment savings.

Our production portfolio – Draught beer tanks horizontal, non-insulated

  • DBTHN-250S Serving tank 250L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, non-insulated, stainless-steelDBTHN-250S Serving tank 250L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, non-insulated, stainless-steel
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHN-250S is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 250 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is not equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is designed for cooling by cold air.… Read more »
  • DBTHN-500S Serving tank 500L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, non-insulated, stainless-steelDBTHN-500S Serving tank 500L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, non-insulated, stainless-steel
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHN-500S is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 500 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is not equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is designed for cooling by cold air.… Read more »
  • DBTHN-1000S Serving tank 1000L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, non-insulated, stainless-steelDBTHN-1000S Serving tank 1000L “bag-in-box”, horizontal, non-insulated, stainless-steel
    The Draft Beer Tank DBTHN-1000S is a cylindrical pressure container with usable volume 1000 liters for storage and serving of beer. This vessel is mounted on two saddle supports. It is equipped with safety valves and pressure valves. There is an eliptical manhole with an overpressure door on the bottom of the tank. It is designed for mounting of removable polyethylene bag. Beer is filled into the bag.  This is a modern beer storage technology - the BAG IN BOX. system. This tank is not equipped with insulation and glycol cooling channels. It is designed for cooling by cold air.… Read more »
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